“Helping you navigate through the waves of life.”

Presently offering virtual and in-person options


Licensed in both Iowa and Alabama.

"This world will get heavy.
Stay unshaken in pursuit of the light."
- Butterflies Rising by Tanya Wright

What if I told you that there is something that can help you get past your stuck point in life? The thing that is holding you back from your upmost potential. The hurdles you’ve experienced or the symptoms that you are feeling that are making life not as enjoyable as you know that it could be. Counseling can do that. Everyone can benefit at some point in their life from counseling. No matter the size of the obstacle that you have to overcome or the feelings in your way to live a meaningful and fulfilled life full of joy, counseling can help you achieve that daily experience.

About Anna Themas

Through life experience the counseling field called to me. I am honored to be present with my client’s as we work together through life’s challenges. Being a therapist is one of my life’s greatest privileges and I am forever grateful for you to allow me the opportunity.